Having bred roses now for almost 30 years, I have learned that one shouldn't get excited about rose seedlings in their first year. Most rose seedlings, even the ones that look great in the early seedling stage have something that disqualifies them later on from further scrutiny. Ultimately, the vast majority of seedling roses are discarded. There are always a couple however, that get my attention on seeing their first bloom without even trying. Although I resist, I am taken aback and can't help but say "wow!" This seedling did that for me. It is a cross of a proprietary Hulthemia seed parent with 'Shining Moment'. I planted several hundred seeds from this cross and although there are others in this family that I am watching, at the moment, this seedling stands out. It's larger size is demonstrated in the photos that follow. And it is fragrant!
I love using some of Will Radler's roses in my breeding program. He has done amazing work to help clean up roses available on the market. One of my favorites of his to use in crosses is RADsweet, AKA 'Alaska'. In my climate it has very good black spot resistance, but unlike the original 'Knock Out'® rose, it also has good powdery mildew resistance. Two other things that I have noticed about RADsweet is that it can produce yellow seedlings and it does a better job of accepting the blotch than most of the other Radler roses. The one below was used extensively in my breeding program this year. Please notice the beautiful and clean foliage. If you have the opportunity to find it and you are a rose breeder, consider using 'Alaska' in your breeding program.
This is directed especially and foremost to my Mom, Shirley Bade Sproul. Happy Mothers Day!! Thank you for your strength, love and determination for all of these years. I love you! Celebrating too this day with my wife, Heather Sproul, for her love and dedication to our children. I love you! And, thankful for my sisters, Kathy Sproul Bottjen and Sammie (Karen) Sproul Rasmussen, and to my sisters-in-law, Jan Mullikin Sproul and Kathy Fevig Sproul, for their example of love and mothering to their children. I love you too! For all of us today, may we identify those women who have been mothers to us, whether biological or not. Happy Mothers Day!!!