Monday, March 27, 2017

Going Back to 'Tigris'

Four years ago, I decided that I would like to try breeding some of the more modern Hulthemias back to 'Tigris'.  That of course was to be an exercise in patience.  I used one of my best mini Hulthemias that has given me good blotches.  There were only a few hips that formed on 'Tigris'.  The seeds were planted in January 2015.  The seedlings from that cross didn't bloom in 2015 like most rose seedlings would.  They didn't bloom in 2016 either...  So here they are forming their very first flower buds.  They should start blooming this week.  I wonder if any of them will have blotches?  You will not have to wait as long as I have!

Above is the baby 'Tigris' seedling in it's first year flowing over the edge of the seedling bench.  Below is one of the first buds.

Meanwhile, from the modern crosses that were planted January 2017, the new seedlings are also about to bloom - albeit in their first year at about 8 weeks.


  1. I wish I could go back to tigris, the closest I can get (unless those with unknown lineages are closer) is 3 generations from it, with Raspberry Kiss/Bright as a Button...stupid Australia.

  2. I think that 'Tigris' is still worth exploring, but better garden results will come from at least 3 generations removed.
