Sunday, February 19, 2017

Getting 2017 in Gear!

Yesterday, I cleaned up the parent area of the greenhouse and moved in the new parents for 2017.  Most of the plants are quite small, so I will have to do the majority of my rose breeding outside of the greenhouse.  Even so, I am hopeful to get some good crosses on these plants.

The seedlings are really starting to pop too.  I noticed the first 12 sprouts two weeks ago.  Then last week there were 619.  Today there were 2,520 so it won't be long until the greenhouse will be full of new seedlings all in bloom.

Shown below is the first rose bud forming in the greenhouse.  This is not of a seedling, but is of a cutting of a wild rose that I brought back from Fairbanks, Alaska this past July.  It is probably a Rosa acicularis since I think that it is the only wild rose that grows there.  I may have to learn how to freeze pollen since I don't think I will have other roses in bloom when it opens.