Sunday, May 17, 2015

More New Seedlings

There are lots of new seedlings.  Here are a few more pics!

Believe it or not, the last photo above is from a cross of 2 of my favorite Hulthemias.  I suspect that the blotch is hidden under the white eye.  I will have to try crossing this one with a normal rose to see if the blotch can be recovered…..

Monday, May 4, 2015

Random 2015 Seedlings

There are so many Hulthemias this year that I have had to culled a larger number that just a few years ago I would have kept.  Here are some views of random seedlings that I am watching.

The seedling shown below is special.  As you can see, it is very petite, but is also very floriferous.  The 2 blooms show are the 8th and 9th blooms to open on this very small plant.  I can't help but think that Mr. Ralph Moore would love this rose since he is the "father of miniature roses" and liked working with the Hulthemias.

The next seedling shown below is also special.  It resulted from a cross of one of my good Hulthemia seed parents (N159-5) crossed with Will Radlers "RADsweet", AKA 'Alaska'.  I am hoping that it retains some of the cleanliness of it's pollen parent.  I have repeated this cross many more times this year in hopes of getting something even better.

Finally, the last seedling featured in this post is not a Hulthemia.  This is a shrub type rose that is fragrant and floriferous.  Can it be that this will be the rose that I name in honor of my mom?  We'll have to wait to see how it does outside...