Tuesday, May 16, 2017

RADsweet Hulthemia

I love using some of Will Radler's roses in my breeding program.  He has done amazing work to help clean up roses available on the market.  One of my favorites of his to use in crosses is RADsweet, AKA 'Alaska'.  In my climate it has very good black spot resistance, but unlike the original 'Knock Out'® rose, it also has good powdery mildew resistance.  Two other things that I have noticed about RADsweet is that it can produce yellow seedlings and it does a better job of accepting the blotch than most of the other Radler roses.  The one below was used extensively in my breeding program this year.  Please notice the beautiful and clean foliage.  If you have the opportunity to find it and you are a rose breeder, consider using 'Alaska' in your breeding program.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you use some Mr. Radlers plants like knockout and double knockout since they are some of my 99% roses meaning they outperform 99% of the roses i've grown through the years. Furthermore as a everyday Rose gardner who works full time I buy his roses based on this fact alone. You also have two 99% in Trive and Sultry Sangria so thank you for making roses for the regular guy\girl who isn't about rose bloom judging quality but rather overall garden health quality...
