Monday, January 25, 2016

The Best Seedlings of 2015

The new rose seedlings are starting to sprout like weeds!  Counted 918 on Saturday and germinations increasing daily.  The best early germinator continues to be 'Pearl Sanford', with 26% of the seeds already germinated.

It will be a few weeks before any of the new seedlings show off their first blooms.  During this time of the year, I like to reflect on the best seedlings of last year (2015), looking to use most of these for crosses in 2016.

So here they are, the best of 2015.


  1. Very nice! The color of that last one in salmon took my breath away.

  2. Thanks Daniel! I am looking forward to seeing this one bloom outside of the greenhouse for the first time. It is putting out nice glossy foliage and should bloom in about 6 weeks or so.

  3. That second to last one looks like an anemone. It is past spectacular!

  4. Thank you Liezel! The Hulthemias have been fun to work with.
